Motu Moie Sports Bungalow

There are lots of Motu Moie Activities on the island. The sports bungalow includes equipment for numerous water sports including snorkeling, sailing, scuba diving, windsurfing, rod fishing, spearfishing, water skiing, and wave surfing. Casting in the shallows from the motu or the the deep water outside reef is a good place to fish for lunch. You can use fishing lures or live bait. A good place to spearfish is in the area between the northern tip of the motu and the outside barrier reef. The best place for snorkeling is around the motu is on the east side, in our own coral garden, filled with a variety of corals and sea-life. This private island / motu is an ideal location for water sporting activities. The waters surrounding the motu are shallow, clear and warm. About a hundred yards out toward Taha’a, the shallows fall off to 10 to 20 ft. Here is a coral wall providing shelter for a variety of plant life, fish, sponges, crabs, shrimp and lobsters. This is a great place for scuba diving.